I was particularly concerned about the delay in radiological diagnostics at JDW. It is said that dates for USS and Echo are given as later as 2 to 3 weeks! With five radiologists and several Technicians, I thought there should not be such a long waiting list for USS particularly.I believe , lot of time is spent on typing the reports. I understand not more than about 10-20 Echos are done daily. How can we improve this:
1.Reports can be hand written as and when the scan is over
2.Reports can be brief especially if normal study.
3.Or Standard formats can be utilised.
4.Deploying assistants to write reports as the scan is being performed is another way, especially with Echos.
5.Given the adequate machines, may be atleast 2 radiologists can devote to ultrasound along with other Technicians.
Just my thoughts anyway!