We at MRRH, had the opportunity to meet the Hon'ble Minister of Health over dinner yesterday here in Monggar during which we were able to discuss at length the discrepancies in the grading of junior specialists in the PCS system.We tabled most of the issues regarding the specialist grade that confront us now. Infact, Lyonpo was not well informed that we have specialist working in the grade/cadre of medical officers. He has agreed to take this for discussion with RCSC and has instructed our HRD colleagues to discuss with RCSC upon their arrival back to Thimphu.If needed, Lyonpo is also willing to take it to the Cabinet for discussion. Lyonpo felt and agreed that:
1. All specialist should be directly placed to ES 3 C upon completion of training.
2. In case the sub level in the current system is done away with( there is some discussion going on it seems), specialist on reaching P2A( which usually after 4 years of specialization) be placed in ES 3A
3.He agreed that problem and discrepancies were genuine and all efforts will be taken to rectify them.
Regarding the Entry grade for MBBS, Lyonpo said that it was discussed at length by the Ministry 2 years back and RCSC would not consider it easily
All the specialist here were present and we spoke on behalf of all our junior specialist colleagues working throughout the country.
Just hope that something good may happen to all of us!